Tuesday, March 17, 2009

What house would be complete....

Without a new puppy!

Look at this sweet little guy Becky and I are going to be taking home this weekend. We were going to wait until summer when Becky is out of school and can be home with it, but an opportunity presented itself and the timing, while not perfect, works out pretty well.

We went out to a farm near Corvallis with Becky's sister Sierra and her husband Spencer to meet the puppies. The breeder is the same breeder who Sierra and Spencer got their dog Massy from, and in fact the mother of our puppy happens to be Massy's sister, making our dog Massy's nephew. I still kind of wanted to wait until Summer when we would have more time and the house would be done, but the stars seemed to align when we realized next week is Becky's spring break and most of our remodel should be done by this Friday. When I say done, I mean that we will have a functional, if not pretty, kitchen. The cabinets and appliances should be in and hooked up, we just won't exactly have a floor or counter top. I think we can live with that after the past 4 months.

We don't have a name picked out yet so feel free to suggest away. I'll leave you with some more pictures to melt over :) cheers, and Happy St. Patty's Day!

1 comment:

Squeaky said...

AWWHHHHH!!! I can't wait to have him at your house all the time to snuggle!
I like the names Stout and Domino :)