Sunday, January 25, 2009

Finally Some Photos!

The good news is we found out camera cord in order to download some photos. The bad news is we still can't find anything else. Example of the week: my swimming suit. We went out of town this past weekend to a place that had a hot tub and I needed my swimming suit - no where to be found. Oh well! Hopefully all this hecticness will be worth it in the end.

Today we spent our afternoon at the Portland Home Show. I never thought I would get to the point where I spent my Sunday afternoons at the Portland Home Show. I feel about 10 years older than I should right now. Anyhow, we went looking for some ideas on kitchen counter tops, flooring and windows. We're kind of liking the look of the concrete counter tops with recycled glass mixed in the concrete. Checkout the fuez website to see what the counter tops look like. The cool thing about these is this is a local company located about 1 mile from our house. Not only are the recycled counter tops, well, recycled, but the company strives to be sustainable and green.

As for flooring, we wanted to check out some cork floors. We didn't have much luck in that area. Quite frankly, the home show was kind of lame. The benefit we got out of it was talking with a few window companies. We still have the old original single pane wood framed windows in the house with aluminum storm windows on the outside. They've been more efficient than I thought they were going to be, but we're still looking to get new windows within the next couple of years. We'll definitely replace the kitchen window when we redo the kitchen over the next couple of month here.

A few weekends ago, Jesse headed down to Ashland to visit with his family and also to pick up a washer, dryer and table saw his aunt and uncle, Mary and Dan gave us. We are very thankful for their gift, learning very quickly how much all of these things cost. So Jesse rented a truck and made the drive to bring the stuff back up here. This trip was two weeks ago and we still have yet to use the new washer and dryer, which means we haven't done laundry in a month (Jesse had to go out and buy more underwear)! It's not because we lazy or too busy, but we have a bit of an electrical problem. The dryer has a four prong plug, but our outlet only has a three prong plug. OF COURSE!!! Why should we assume this was going to be an easy task? Nothing is ever easy around here! We have the washer all hooked up and ready to go, but no dryer. We have a buddy coming over tomorrow who is going to help us in changing the outlet.

Below are a couple pictures of the bathroom with the sink in and the backsplash I tiled with my mom. The other picture is of the shower tiling. It was hard to get a photo with the limited amount of space I had, but I hope you get the idea. We are thinking of painting the bathroom purple so below are some paint choices we are mulling over. Any opinions on which you like the best?

This is a photo of our living room. I'm not sure if you remeber what it looked like before the new paint, but I encourage you to look back at the first post to see the before photos. It's amazing what a difference paint makes.

Any finally, these are photos of our current living qaurters in the basement. I HATE this little makeshift kitchen area! I cannot deal with having only one burner and no oven, but again, I keep reminding myself that it will all be worth it. We also have our "living room" in the basement right now because the kitchen remodel will be interfering with our living room space upstairs. Notice the space heater right next to the couch - it's cold in the basement!


Squeaky said...

NICE TILE!! I am so impressed with your handy work! Yes, home shows make you feel very old don't they? I hope you were able to get some good ideas though, can't wait to see the purple you choose for the bathroom, it's going to look awesome! p.s. that trim in your living room looks really good, who painted that? heehee!

Ruthless said...

Going to home shows? you are like a serious grown up now B$. New paint looks amazing and the I kind of want to live in your bathroom it looks so good.

Ruthless said...

Hey B$, A friend said that you should be able to just change the plug on your washer instead of changing the outlet in your wall. She said she has done it a few times and it wasn't too difficult.
I think I might give you guys a pony for your housewarming. You are going to love it.

Ruthless said...

Hey friend, If you are looking for some new decorating photos I really like this site. I think some of the concert posters are amazing. And I totally didn't mean to leave 3 comments. I look like stalker.